
Fotografiska familjen

Den här unga familjen satt så fint inne i en av Fotografiskas mörkaste salar. Ljuset var med andra ord rätt svagt men jag bad ändå om att få ta en bild. Och det blev åtminstone hyfsat. ISO 640, f/2 och 1/30.

Det börjar så smått bli dags att ställa om från sol till höstmörker även om mina vardagsmorgnar för tillfället ofta sammanfaller med soluppgången. Blir kanske inte lika många speglingar och transparanser under den mörka perioden. Lurar lite på att plåta med blixt, Fujis egen lilla sak. Det ska nog gå att hitta motiv trots att det skymmer.



Eric Kim´s råd till nybörjare:

13. Some useful compositional tips.

  • Integrate more diagonals into your work: Diagonals are more dynamic than horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Start off with a clean background: The fewer distractions in the background of your photograph, the better composition you can make of your subject.
  • Avoid overlapping figures: Overlapping subjects that are merged in the background look messy. Try to separate your subjects in your frame with a little bit of negative space in-between.
  • Look for curves: Curves are even more dynamic than diagonal lines.
  • Composition is often discovered after you shoot: One of the biggest lessons I learned from Henri Cartier-Bresson is that we discover many of our compositions after we’ve made a photograph.

14. The best investment for a photographer is a good pair of shoes

Rather than dumping hundreds of dollars into new lenses or gear, perhaps you should invest a substantial amount of money into good, comfortable, walking/running shoes.

15. Photograph what you’re afraid of.

Lean into your fear. Rather than trying to avoid what you’re afraid of in photography, channel that fear into becoming more fearless and creative.



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