Stumbled upon an interesting photographer on Flickr!, Mikael Jansson. I´ve seen his name and some of his photos before, this time I checked his favourites. Many of them are from now on my favourites too. Wow!!! So many amazing shots!!! I like them but maybe you won´t, but I think you should check them out. If only to find out about my preferences on street photography.
Had a check in the archives the other day and found this one. Well, maybe it´s nothing to it but I liked the hand behind the head and the fact that he keeps his own right hand in his bag and has a roll of tape in his left hand. I don´t mind the look on his face either!
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2 svar på ”Envy is a roll of tape”
En riktigt skön bild på mannen som är helt uppe i sitt affischklistrande. Tejprullen i beredskap inför nästa uppdrag. Lite oroväckande vad han kan tänkas ha i högerhanden som är dold 😉
Gårdagens fotbollsbilder var riktigt nice!
Han kan ju ha precis vad som helst i sin dolda hand!
Beträffande fotbollsbilderna, lyckades till och med fånga ett mål 🙂 Men den i mitt tycke bästa bilden sparar jag några dagar, har konverterat den till svartvitt.
Tack för titten, Sven!